Business email signatures
New brand strategy. New email signatures.
Below are our guidelines on how to build yours. You can add extra elements, like your pronouns or a phonetic spelling of your name.
Too complicated? Put your details into our email signature generator and let us do the work for you.
Everybody's email signature must include their name, job title, team and their prefered method of contact. It should be laid out with each bit of information appearing on a new line.
Your contact details could be a mobile number, landline, email address or any other way you might want to communicate. You should preface any details with a letter to help understand what the details are, e.g. T for telephone or M for mobile. If it’s something less well known you should write the whole name.
There should be a single line space between your name, job title, team, and your contact details.
First name Surname
Job title
M: +44 1234 567890
T: +44 20 1234 0000
We also have some other details you may want to add to your signature.
Pronouns should sit at the end of your name in brackets. It’s a small but easy way to be more inclusive and normalise discussions on gender. It allows individuals to let others know which pronouns they’d like to be used, and avoids them being misgendered. If you’re cisgender (your gender identity matches the sex you were assigned at birth), having your pronouns in your email signature shows that you’re an ally. It can also be useful for anyone who has gender-ambiguous names.
Phonetic spelling
You might want to add a phonetic spelling to help others pronounce your name correctly. If you want to include this it should sit below your name in brackets.
Flexible hours
If you work flexible hours, or send emails outside of other people’s working hours you can add this line to your email signature. It should sit below your contact information with a 1 line gap.
We work flexibly here. So while it suits me to email you now, there’s no pressure for you to get back to me outside of your own working hours.
As we launch our new brand platform, BT Means Business, please replace any old logos in your email signature with our new BT Means Business lock-up.
The logo should sit three lines below your details.
You’ll need to add a legal disclaimer if you’re emailing anyone out side of BT. This should sit six lines below the logo. It should be in size 12px (9pt) font and dark grey (#787878).
This email contains information from BT that might be privileged or confidential. And it's only meant for the person above. If that's not you, we're sorry - we must have sent it to you by mistake. Please email us to let us know, and don't copy or forward it to anyone else. Thanks.
We monitor our email systems and may record all our emails.
British Telecommunications plc
R/O : 1 Braham Street, London E1 8EE
Registered in England: No 1800000
British Telecommunications plc is authorised and regulated by Financial Conduct Authority for the provision of consumer credit