
Connect shows our brands working together to form progressive journeys and pathways.

Consider using Connect if your subject matter is progressive and bold.

Chunkier pixels

For Connect the pixels are minimum 2 pixels in height. They can be even thicker depending on your piece of communication.

Only use 1 height per frame.

Left to right pathway

The pixels move across the format from left to right. They always stretch across the entire frame. They touch at the corners and move up and down in position.

Type highlight

The hero headline style for Connect is a highlight behind the type set at cap height. The type should be flush on both sides of the highlight as per this example. See our application section for further reference.

Image pixel treatment

The pixels can sit flush at the top and bottom of the image frame. Use this example as a visual guide. This treatment works well when using a Connect hero headline is difficult or inconvenient.


We want our brand to be useable by everyone, increasing the accessiblity and usability of everything we do. This means there are some rules around how to use colours in the Pixels.

When adding a highlight in Connect only these colours pass accessibility.

Only highlight type with these lighter brand colours, creating enough contrast.

Connect in action